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Epass status 2014-15

epass status checking process 2014-15

If you are confused check your epass application status of your state among Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh,
Tripura and Uttar Pradesh.

Telangana students check  scholarship application status on or visit  e pass status page here. 

Telangana scholarship application not yet started for 2014-15. Also, the previous year scholarship also not release lots of students checking for their e pass scholarship for the year of 2013-14.
for checking your scholarship amount login to Telangana website from below.
Where to check e pass scholarship application status in Andhra pradesh

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

epass status check online, ePass scholarship application 2014-15

check the info about
epass scholarship application status
  of ap, Telangana, Karnataka, hp and Tripura. also available on regional websites for 2014, 2013, 2015 Academic years.Students may use different ways to searches for like
  scholarship application status 2014
e pass scholarship status 2013-14
 . but the bottom line is  scholarship pending/release amount to bank account status depending on their Areas like Hyderabad or Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tripura, and HP.
But below we provide all state scholarship status official website for student help.

 epass application status of AP, Telangana, Karnataka, Hp

please! follow this guide, All states Epass scholarship application status available through this website. but you have to look at each page 
carefully. if you any difficulties to check your application status please comment on the post below,
For checking epass status all you need to have ePass application number. if you forget then click on forgot option retrieve with your 10th
and date of birth.
epass status checking Demo also available from youtube.
requirement to check your scholarship amount.
e pass registration id, 
10th hall ticket number, 
date of birth, 
Hope you understand the status checking process!
Please look at below options depending upon your need.
  • scholarship online system now following other southern states India like Kerala and Karnataka. Kerala state government also providing scholarship online application through  epass status website.
  • for checking e pass application status as on today . candidate need to follow the instructions mentioned in this  web site page " know application number". for checking status of  the application online" on 3 states website, including Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka application status.

epass application status check online 2014-15 by state wise

If you  forgot e pass  application number  you need to enter your ssc details and other etc. to know your application number. once you got the application number you can check scholarship status below.

Also, you can choose 
post metric scholarship status
pre-matric scholarship
 which is dedicated to school students pre-matric scholarships may be starts from 7th to 10th class. i don't know clearly its' may be also from 5th onwards.

Know your application number

epass online Application details state wise

For 2014-15 renewal or fresh applications, details go through this below topics.

Epass Application process, Status Stages

Online Application submissions online apply guidelines
Documents verification or Pending at district officer
Scholarship sanctioned but pending at release Amounts
mess fee released, but Tuition fee not yet released 
Scholarship sent to the treasury
Check at the bottom of the page from treasury to your bank Account.
What is MTF, RTF?
RTF refers to reimbursement of tuition fee credits in college Account.
MTF means Mess tuition fee credits in student bank account.
Now we are facing scholarship distribution issue between two state Telangana and Andhra.
I have noticed that who are studying Telangana and belong to Andhra Pradesh trying to get local certificate because the scholarship amount paid by the government of Telangana. but Telangana state announces his father birthplace should be Telangana. also who residing since 1954 eligible for the e pass scholarship in Telangana announce by KCR.

 Telangana / Andhra Pradesh  epass scholarship status

Tg / ts scholarship status also available through  Telangana  official website here.

Ap students can Check their scholarship  status here through  application tracking system .
Andhra Pradesh scholarship  information also available from below link.
Ap scholarship application already completed for 2014 to 2015 academic year. however, if you want to check ap epass application status. you can use our homepage to check scholarship amount and bank account status from below,

 About the E pass new website for Andhra Pradesh

Andhra pradesh scholarship website 
separated from . if you visit that website  you can found both websites of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

  • In Ap scholarship website  you can find the  online application for freshers and renewal 2014-15, also you know your epass application number by entering the ssc and date of birth details.
  • Ap scholarship website revamped website of e both design and themes options all are the same.
  • Karnataka state scholarship status 2014-15

    All Karnataka state students applied for 2014-15 post /pre matric scholarships both freshers and renewal students also. Some of the students asking as "when will release the scholarship amount for the year of 2014-15".
    for knowing pending scholarship amount to release and credit  your bank account, please check your scholarship application by using kar epass application through our website from below. also, if you want know more about Karnataka fee reimbursement scheme visit Karnataka page on our website. you can find lot information and some questions asked Karnataka state government students like you.

     About epass application online system

    • epass system started on 2008 when i am degree 2nd year in khairatabad govt degree college. the officers visited many colleges and provided awareness about  the website .
    • I think I am the first applicant of scholarship . in earlier stage student no need to provide the affidavit instead of income certificate. also today Aadhar card number mandatory also we need verify biometrics additional added last year.
    • student who completed pg eligible for epass scholarship  for applying b.ed course in ap as well as, TG /  Telangana also.
    • students who want the  scholarship for double pg they need cancel by paying previous pg scholarship and fee reimbursement welfare board.
    • law course may be eligible for scholarship sanction if you are got scholarship under pg.
    How to
    Epass application?
    Take the  print out epass scholarship status go to Nampally for Rangareddy or golnaka in Hyderabad provide him xerox copy and the original copy of your bank account they will add the details for you.
    Below epass status website for Andhra Pradesh student only.
    For BACK BUTTON USE RIGHT CLICK OF MOUSE AND CLICK BACK use Mozilla Firefox if you are unable find what you're looking for comment below.
    epass Karnataka check on which ois mentioned above.
    How long its take credit epass scholarship to bank Account?
    Once epass scholarship sanctioned, Then they will sent Amount If State govt have funds in epass account. If You have See message status like "
    Sent to Treasury
    " Then will get Scholarship Amount
    With in 2-7 days
    watch this video about
    check out the status codes and online application start dates on our
    Then you can proceed to check your epass application status 2014.

    Himachal Pradesh and Tripura states epass status 2014-15

    Himachal Pradesh and Tripura launched epass application system from the year of 2014 onwards. hp state students can check their scholarship account status by Aadhaar number. when it comes to Tripura state, just started (from2015)receiving scholarship applications from students to know more about Tripura state scholarship information visit our Tripura website.
    • and click on get your fo details
    example if you chosen 
    Hyderabad district khairatabad mondal, and college name govt degree college khairatabad.
    and the Field officer contact details here.
    If website not open Mozilla Firefox follow this steps
    Reason for this https not http secure server of website.
    This Connection is Untrusted then
    Click i understand the risks
    Get certificate
    confirm the security exception for https//

    If the home page getting blocked by Google Chrome.

    All you need click on Advance and then proceed   to check amount by 
    year wise like
     2012-2013-2014 and 2015.
  • Up scholarship status   Available on our dedicated post on this website.
  • epass Contact number district / Taluk / Field / welfare Officer Address details
    Filed officer contact district welfare officer of epass select third optionon epass website for checking filed officer details of your district bc welfare or sc.

    Contact epass in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

    Students are advised to visit district welfare office regarding SSC /10th detail update, Bank Account correction. and other details..
    Opposite: Nehru Park
    Masab Tank, Near mehdipatnam.
    Phone: 040 - 23390228 (for General Issues contact district officer)
    040 - 23120130 (Technical queries)
    Calls will be answer between 10:30 am to 5 pm.

    How to know your e-pass field officer details?

    •  To know your field officer details click on 4th option below which is "find your field officer details".
    • KNOW YOUR FO DETAILS by select yours 
    Office Fax
    Office Number
    SC Welfare
    ASWO Office, Golconda
    ST Welfare
    ASWO ST Office, Golconda
    BC Welfare
    ASWO BC Office, Golconda
    Disabled Welfare
    ASWO DW Office, Golconda
    ASWO EBC Office, Golconda
    in case you are not able to check 
    e pass field officer details
     you can check e pass website.
    if you want know your epass application number or epass scholarship status.
    Although State divided between Ap, Telangana candidates need to visit separately and check their field officer or district / Taluk welfare officer contact Details manually online on respective epass websites mentioned below.
    Contact by phone 
    you want to meet your district officer at nearest scholarship or welfare office.generally located in Mondal or district headquarters.
    Documents required to contact your District Officer
    your epass application printout copy
    Bank passbook Xerox
    Caste, income ssc memo 
    All documents when you are submitted online while you are applying for epass application.
    Epass district officer contact

    You can find district level officers from

    contact for ranga reddy located colleges

    Mezzanine Floor, Gagan Vihar Building, Mk Jahi Road, Nampally,

    Nampally exhibition ground Lane Opposite Himalaya Book Store.
    040 2473 6827

    contact for Hyderabad located colleges

    Golnaka, Central Bank Lane, Above Central bank Building
    Near 6 No Road Amberpet.
    BC Welfare officer, H No 2-3-763/3/1/A, 1st floor, Tulsi Nagar, Golnaka, Amberpet, Hyderabad -13.

    Epass online apply guidelines for various states

    apply requirements
    3:11 AM

    Telangana scholarship fresh / renewal 2014-15

    TS / TG scholarship for 2014-15 Academic year finally started on 12/3/2014. last date is not yet announced till now.
    if you want know more about fresh/renewal application process, and required documents check Telangana scholarship application 2014-15 guidelines page

    scholarships state wise

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